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Malta alta adesività in sacchetto

Thixotropic cementitious mortar for repairing deteriorated concrete and traditional masonry surfaces.

Premixed dry mortar composed of: cement, pozzolanic hydraulic binder, selected aggregates, additives and polymers that improve adhesion, physical-mechanical properties and durability.
To repair the missing parts and small areas of degraded concrete or traditional masonry both indoor or outdoor. Ideal for reconstructing parts of balconies, gutters, eaves and columns.

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Malta alta adesività in sacchetto

CYCLE: Before using the product, check the type, the physical-chemical properties and the conditions of the concrete substrate and, in case of doubt make a test to assess the adhesion capacity.
The substrate to be treated must be stable (not subject to hygrometric shrinkage or to detachment of loose parts), free of dust, salts, greasy or oily substances and release agents. The old damaged concrete must be removed mechanically or by manually staking out, leaving the surface rough.
The substrate of the support must have uniform water absorption, therefore before applying the mortar, it is recommended to wet the surface until it is soaked and leave the residue of surface water to evaporate for good adhesion. Thickness is between 1 and 4 cm for each coat. In the case of application over 2 cm of thickness, proceed with the next coats, fresh on fresh.

WARNINGS: In the summer period, protect the finish from quick drying with suitable protection or where necessary, wet after applying.
Do not apply to substrates that are frozen, thawing or with frost risk in the 24 hours after application.
Do not use amounts of water that are over those indicated. Always use clean water at a temperature around 20°C. Do not apply on incoherent substrates. The product is ready to use and should be mixed only with potable water. The addition of foreign matter may compromise the technical-applicative characteristics.
Do not apply finishing or coating products until the mortar is totally dry, which is not less than 3 weeks and may be longer in low temperatures.

Malta alta adesività in sacchetto
  • dim. mm(PxLxH)
  • xx
Malta alta adesività in sacchetto
(Nota: le informazioni sul prodotto sono continuamente aggiornate alle normative in vigore. Controllate che la documentazione eventualmente in vostro possesso sia riferita all'ultima revisione rilasciata per il prodotto.)