Production paints since 1962 : we color the world with the look to the future.


Cemento bianco

White cement.

Constant and stable white cement, which, with the addition of pigments, allows you to obtain the most versatile range of colours and great dye purity. Excellent mechanical strength; the shrinkage, the hydration heat and the elastic modulus that is lower to the grey cement one of the same class, make the use in particular realizations (flooring, artificial stone, etc.) suitable. The mixtures have significant adhesion and offer the possibility to use the product for all types of plastering, in which the main function is to establish a flexible coating, able to adapt itself to movements of the substrate for thermal and hygrometric variations.
For beton brut casting, flooring, mortars and coloured concrete, sculptures, flower pots, vases, cement-based plaster and paint, premixed and repairs of various kinds.

  • Catalog number
  • Commercial line
  • Sector
  • Type
  • Last revised
Cemento bianco
Cemento bianco
  • dim. mm(PxLxH)
  • 135x62x185
  • 200x125x265
Cemento bianco
(Nota: le informazioni sul prodotto sono continuamente aggiornate alle normative in vigore. Controllate che la documentazione eventualmente in vostro possesso sia riferita all'ultima revisione rilasciata per il prodotto.)
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