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Cemento grigio

Product specifically designed for construction. Resistant to compression.

Used for filling floor joins, in concrete, for plastering and masonry and as mortar for levelling concrete floors.

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Cemento grigio

CYCLE: The substrate must be free of dust and oily and greasy substances. With a hot, dry climate, it is advisable to moisten the surface before applying the mortar.
Equipment: concrete mixer (drum mixer).
Mixing: put a part of the mixture water and all of the sand into the mixer and start it up. Add the hydraulic binder and the remaining water until you obtain the desired consistency. Mix everything until all components are homogeneous.
The sand quantity and the granulometric distribution must be chosen according to the type of product you need to create.
Application: apply the product manually, following the traditional methods that are normally used to apply masonry or substrate mortar.

WARNINGS: In the summer, protect the mortar from fast drying with suitable protection and where needed, moisten the substrate before applying the mortar.
Do not apply to substrates that are frozen, thawing or with frost risk in the 24 hours after applying the mortar.
Using an excessive amount of mixing water determines the reduction of mechanical strength and the increase in hydraulic shrinkage of the hardened mortar.
The substrate must be free of dust, release agents, efflorescence and greasy or oily substances. The surface must be even and rough to offer good anchorage. Any holes must be filled with the same material at least 24 hours prior to plastering.

Cemento grigio
  • dim. mm(PxLxH)
  • 135x62x185
  • 200x125x265
Cemento grigio
(Nota: le informazioni sul prodotto sono continuamente aggiornate alle normative in vigore. Controllate che la documentazione eventualmente in vostro possesso sia riferita all'ultima revisione rilasciata per il prodotto.)
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