Production paints since 1962 : we color the world with the look to the future.


Acquaragia inodore

Thinner for synthetic paints, especially for closed and poorly ventilated areas.

Product formulated and mixed with pure raw materials. It does not contain any chlorinated or aromatic hydrocarbon.
The product is odourless and is used to thin paints and synthetic enamels, oil-synthetic enamels, waxes, polish and anti-rust products.
The product perfectly thins treated paints, increasing the productivity of the paint itself. It can also be used for mild cleaning and degreasing, such as wax and silicone removal from all surfaces, including painted ones. When using, follow the instructions on the containers of the products to be thinned.

  • Catalog number
  • Commercial line
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  • Type
  • Last revised
Acquaragia inodore

WARNINGS: Reacts violently with strong oxidizing agents and with chlorine. Vapours can form explosive mixtures with the air. Electrostatic charges may form if shaken. It may catch fire on contact with stannic chloride.
In the event of contact with the eyes, wash immediately with plenty of water; if irritation persists, consult a doctor.
In the event of contact with the skin, remove any contaminated clothing and wash the affected skin area with soap and water; if irritation persists, consult a doctor.

Acquaragia inodore
  • dim. mm(PxLxH)
  • 85x85x240
  • 190x125x260
Acquaragia inodore
(Nota: le informazioni sul prodotto sono continuamente aggiornate alle normative in vigore. Controllate che la documentazione eventualmente in vostro possesso sia riferita all'ultima revisione rilasciata per il prodotto.)