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Fissativo isolante al solvente

Odourless solvent sealing fixative for exteriors

Substrate product to equalise the absorption capacity and consolidate and impregnate external substrates, to avoid marks and streaks. It is ideal for working on old, peeling, patchy and filled walls, reinforced concrete, cement bricks, new and cured plaster and various types of mineral smoothing. Ideal fixative for cycles of finishes such as: acrylic water-based paint, styrene acrylic, vinyl and continuous plastic coatings.

  • Catalog number
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  • Type
  • Last revised
  • COV
Fissativo isolante al solvente

CYCLE: On new substrates: make sure the surface is perfectly dry, clean and dusted, and then apply the first coat of Fissativo isolante al solvente. After at least 12÷18 hours, you can proceed with the desired finish.
On old or damaged substrates: remove any old paint that does not adhere to the surface, along with any inconsistent areas of plaster. Repair cracks or imperfections with an adequate product as ("STUCCO PER ESTERNO"). Once the surface is perfectly dry and dusted apply a coat of Fissativo isolante al solvente, wait for at least 12÷18 hours before proceeding with the first coat of the desired finish.

WARNINGS: Mix the product well before use.

Fissativo isolante al solvente
  • dim. mm(PxLxH)
  • 109x109x110
  • 190x190x240
Fissativo isolante al solvente
(Nota: le informazioni sul prodotto sono continuamente aggiornate alle normative in vigore. Controllate che la documentazione eventualmente in vostro possesso sia riferita all'ultima revisione rilasciata per il prodotto.)