Production paints since 1962 : we color the world with the look to the future.


Vernice trasparente per ferro

Protective transparent anti-corrosive paint for metals

Anti-corrosive finish for interior and exterior metals. It is a multi-purpose product that is directly applied to the metal, ensuring strong adhesion, elasticity and effective protection. It has the quality to combine anti-rust characteristics and the finishing coat in one product.
It has high substrate wettability, allowing it to be applied directly, even on rusty metal, maintaining the substrate, aesthetically unchanged and protecting it for a long time.

  • Catalog number
  • Commercial line
  • Sector
  • Type
  • Last revised
  • COV
Vernice trasparente per ferro

WARNINGS: Mix the product well before use.

Vernice trasparente per ferro
  • dim. mm(PxLxH)
  • 109x109x55
  • 109x109x110
Vernice trasparente per ferro
(Nota: le informazioni sul prodotto sono continuamente aggiornate alle normative in vigore. Controllate che la documentazione eventualmente in vostro possesso sia riferita all'ultima revisione rilasciata per il prodotto.)