Production paints since 1962 : we color the world with the look to the future.


Smalto industriale rapida essiccazione

Top quality enamel coating for painting outdoors and indoors

Quick drying synthetic alkyd resin based enamel in short oil, select pigments and anti-corrosion agents. Excellent weathering resistance, colour stability and initial shine.
This product is used to finish and protect the metal surfaces of machinery, industrial structures, metal doors and metal products in general

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Smalto industriale rapida essiccazione

CYCLE: On new and never painted substrates: clean and degrease the surface to be painted well, apply a coat of quick drying anti-rust. After at least 18 hours apply the first coat of Smalto industriale rapida essiccazione and after 12÷18 hour, the second.
On already painted substrates: accurately clean the surface, removing any old flaky paint. If there are any traces of rust, remove by brushing or sanding and apply quick drying anti-rust. Once the anti-rust product is dry, the first coat of Smalto industriale rapida essiccazione can be applied. After at least 12 hours, the second coat can be applied.

WARNINGS: Mix the product well before use. To apply outdoors it is recommended to protect the treated surface from humidity and rain for at least 48 hours after applying the product.

Smalto industriale rapida essiccazione
  • dim. mm(PxLxH)
  • 165x165x160
  • 292x292x330
Smalto industriale rapida essiccazione
(Nota: le informazioni sul prodotto sono continuamente aggiornate alle normative in vigore. Controllate che la documentazione eventualmente in vostro possesso sia riferita all'ultima revisione rilasciata per il prodotto.)