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Stabilitura bianca in sacchetto

Top quality waterproofed white two-coat plaster, with a cement and hydrated lime base for interiors and exteriors.

Stabilitura bianca in sacchetto is a dry premixed mortar composed of: white cement, hydrated lime, white aggregate and additives that improve the workability, adhesion and protection against atmospheric agents. The product complies with the UNI EN 998-1 standard and is classified as mortar for plaster finish GP CS II - W1.
Stabilitura bianca in sacchetto is used as a high quality two-coat plaster for new and cured plaster, whether lime/cement or cementitious based, and as a smoother for concrete walls and ceilings.
The capacity to cover any cracks in the substrate is higher, compared to normal mortar (fine mortar) with hydrated lime base. In addition, the adhesion to the substrate, the mechanical properties and the durability are much better compared to those found in other mortars.
The finish is water repellent, therefore offering excellent protection from rain and atmospheric agents, without altering the permeability to the vapour diffusion in the masonry.

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Stabilitura bianca in sacchetto

CYCLE: The substrate must be stable (not subject to hygrometric shrinkage or to detachment of loose parts), free of dust, salts, greasy or oily substances and release agents in the case of concrete surfaces.
The surface of the substrate must have uniform water absorption and must not have irregularities that exceed the maximum thickness of each coat application.
If the substrate is very smooth, even and cohesive, it is advisable to scratch the surface.
Apply the product with the aid of a spatula, being careful to distribute the material evenly. Normally only one application is necessary but if the substrate is very irregular, a second application may be required for a perfect aesthetic effect. The second application must be applied after around 60 minutes from the first; particular weather conditions may change the waiting time between applications.
Finish with a sponge trowel, moistening the finish if necessary, until you get a smooth surface with no joins or overlaps.

WARNINGS: If the substrate is very absorbent, it must be moistened before applying the finish.
In the summer, protect the finish from quick drying with suitable protection and where needed, wet it after applying it.
Do not apply to substrates that are frozen, thawing or with frost risk in the 24 hours after applying.
Before applying on new plaster, stabilize the substrate from the hygrometric shrinkage stage.
Do not apply directly, without appropriate treatment on: gypsum substrates (gypsum-based plaster, plasterboard etc.), plastic coatings, previously painted or varnished substrates.
Do not apply on tile finishes or coatings of any type.
Apply decorative products only after it has completely dried and the finish has cured (wait several weeks, depending on the ambient conditions).
Do not apply on the finish of decorative products that contain solvents.
The product is ready to use and should be mixed only with potable water. The addition of foreign matter may compromise the technical-applicative characteristics.

Stabilitura bianca in sacchetto
  • dim. mm(PxLxH)
  • xx
Stabilitura bianca in sacchetto
(Nota: le informazioni sul prodotto sono continuamente aggiornate alle normative in vigore. Controllate che la documentazione eventualmente in vostro possesso sia riferita all'ultima revisione rilasciata per il prodotto.)