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Amianto Pronto H20 - Incapsulante

BuildingLine – asbestos cement encapsulation

Acrylic elastic mastic, for use on fiber-cement roofs exposed to weathering; its main features are: outstanding exterior durability, UV resistance, long lasting flexibility, alkali proof.

  • Catalog number
  • Commercial line
  • Sector
  • Type
  • Last revised
  • COV

CYCLE: Surface preparation
• Remove any loose, flaking coating and material. A preliminary coat of solvent-based fixative must be applied
• Two at least
Environmental conditions
• Temperature: 50-120°F
• Relative humidity <80%

WARNINGS: Do not use during rain, fog and wind
Protect painted surfaces from rain, frost, fog and dew for at least 4 days.
Do not apply over horizontal surfaces subjected to water load.

NOTE: Ideal environmental conditions: temperature: min. +8°C - max +35°C relative humidity<75%.
Ideal substrate conditions: temperature: min. +5°C - max +35°C - humidity<10%.
It is recommended to apply the product in favourable climatic conditions as indicated.
Keep the product out of the reach of children.
in favourable climatic conditions as indicated. Applying the product in unsuitable environmental conditions, negatively affects the drying time, compromising the optimal result of both the aesthetic characteristics and its performance.
Do not apply on fresh and alkaline substrates; wait for it to cure (generally four weeks).
Use in a well-ventilated area.
CIPIR ensures that the information is provided to the best of its experience and technical-scientific knowledge; nevertheless, it cannot assume any responsibility for the results obtained as application conditions are beyond its control.

  • dim. mm(PxLxH)
(Nota: le informazioni sul prodotto sono continuamente aggiornate alle normative in vigore. Controllate che la documentazione eventualmente in vostro possesso sia riferita all'ultima revisione rilasciata per il prodotto.)